Monday, December 27, 2010


Singapore is one of the busiest ports in the world and this was the sight we saw when we went on deck
to catch the sunrise. It was just amazing the amount of ships surrounding us.

Singapore has so many interesting buildings, all sorts of sizes and shapes.

They must just build them like this because they can.

It was my birthday the day we visited Singapore and I was shopping for a camera, which I never found.
But there was lots of shops visited in the quest for my elusive Lumix LX5.
This was my lunch which was beautiful, and beautifully presented. No-one else would eat with me though.
I think their appetite disappeared when they saw Pig Organ Soup on the menu.

It was also Tiffany's birthday, so it was a double celebration at dinner that night.

Tony, Ingrid, Tiffany, David, Me, Rosemary and Don.


  1. Wow! More beautiful pictures, Sheralee! I wish I could comment on every single photo, but it's fascinating to "follow" you on your travels.

    I love the top photo, with the ships and the sunrise.

  2. This is really neat to come and visit your blog and find more photos from your trip. I forgot to mention on the other post I loved the food photos. I think your lunch looks beautiful! I love how it served. I also love the sunrise photo with the ships. I like how they are silhouettes so you have to look closely to see how many there really are.

    Those building are intriguing. They look crooked and twisted and it worries me knowing from previous posts that some people use bamboo scaffolding but from an artistic, modern view, these definitely are beautiful.

    And I really love the art photo with 3 sculptured people contrasted with 3 real people! Clever!

  3. ARGH! I forgot to do the security and lost my long post. I'll have to come back later sorry. I love your photos. thanks for taking me to Singapore!

  4. The sunsets are amazing, I'm blown away by the crooked buildings or is that distortion? I love your close ups of the architecture and your food pics look tasty. The sculpture of people with you under it is adorable! So all in all I loved your pictures and appreciate being able to see them.

  5. That was the buildings Viv, that whole group under construction had curved sides.
