Monday, December 27, 2010

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of Brunei Darussalam which is situated in Borneo.
The city has lots of beautiful buildings.

Above is the Sultan's Palace


I could get used to this kind of life :)

We visited a water village which was really interesting.
The whole village, Police Station, school, everything is built on stilts above the water.

These adorable little girls were taking our photo with their toy camera.

We had morning tea here and got to try some very interesting treats.

Including this muffin which was cooked in this little casing made from dried leaf.

That's David's leg not mine ;-)


  1. These are beautiful. It's unbelievable to see such extravagance next to the other water town - was that in Borneo too? I really love the little girls taking your photo! Perfect moment captured!

  2. Yes Kim, all those beautiful buildings are just across the river or inlet.
    Apparently the Sultan would like all those people to move to the mainland but they prefer to stay where they are. I'm not sure if we were told the 'real' story.

  3. Wow, what gorgeous photos! The sky is so blue and everything looks so pristene. Interesting how some people live. I think we saw some of these photos on our blog too! I didn't even know it was a hairy leg until you told us. lol Thanks for sharing. I'm really loving these trip photos. You must have had a fabulous time!
