Saturday, April 21, 2012

Country Music Parade, May 2012

Every year Charters Towers hosts a Country Music Festival. The parade is a highlight for the kids.

BTC float

Easter Egg Hunt

Way too much chocolate was eaten but they managed to burn up all that extra energy.

April, 2012

Having a great time under the sprinkler!

The little one didn't like it so much though.

Winton, March 2012

Near Hughenden
Just before Winton

Prickly trees

The Musical Fence
The kids loved it!

Mud shoes
I think this shot is so cute!

March, 2012 Using flash

Some more practice for my flash class

Can you believe this is using a flash, it looks like light from a window.

Teddy went off to hospital :(

She was such a good girl.

57 so it was time for a family photo, no easy feat!

February, 2012

Just five days old

1 year old

Smiling at 17 days old

Practising using flash for a class I'm taking.