Monday, December 27, 2010

Our 'Treasures of the Far East' Cruise

Starting in Hong Kong we were greeted by some Christmas cheer, quite a bit of rain and lots of umbrellas. Lots of umbrellas very skillfully wielded by elderly ladies. But it was enjoyable and we managed to shop a 'little'.

There was some interesting sights, such as the bamboo scaffolding, it doesn't seem right to put your life in the hands of bamboo (so to speak). But it must be up to the task.

Hanging out the washing also looks a little dangerous.


  1. Bamboo for scaffolding? I know it's strong but I wouldn't trust my life on it. lol Long reach out those windows to hang laundry too! Love the pink auto!

  2. Oh these are hilarious! They must have no fear of heights or falling?!
