Sunday, December 5, 2010

Flowers in bloom

These are a few that were flowering when we got home. It's always nice to walk around the garden and see what's in bloom.


Tropical Waterlily

Rain Lily


  1. Gorgeous Sheralee! I love them all but I really like the middle blue one - what is it? Also beautiful composition and lighting on each one of them!

  2. You're growing these, Sheralee? wow! They're gorgeous.

  3. Kim, that's a water lily, the same as the unopened one in the blog heading.

    They are all in my terribly neglected garden Lesley.

  4. I love them all! That bottom one looks like some sort of a lily. Am I right? The petals seem more round than what we would have here though. The colors are magnificient!

  5. It's common name is a Rain Lily Viv. They come out after the rain and usually only last a day.

  6. So sad when beautiful flowers don't last. You'll have to take a photo of your whole garden for us. I'd love to see it. I have a lot of gardens but right now they're sleeping. I'll share pics in the spring.

  7. I would love to see your garden when it comes to life! I just won't show the wilder side to mine ;)
