Friday, February 4, 2011

My 365 Project - Jan 1 - 7

Well, I've signed up for the 365 Project at on the 1st January. Here is my first week's photos.

January 1
We were in Townsville and went for a walk along the Strand. I love the Strand, there is always families having parties or BBQs or just having a nice time.

January 2

I bought a new pair of shoes. I tried for an abstract photo of the tassle on the top of the sandal.

January 3
Back home, I thought I'd take a photo of the view from our back deck, the clouds were looking quite amazing.
January 4
This is a plant I grew from a cutting from Mum. I'll have to find it's name. The ants were continually going in and out of it and I managed to capture one.
January 5
Damian and Renee were away for the week and I was feeding their animals. This was in their garden and is a cutting from my succulent. (The grass is always greener...)

January 7
Just snapping for a 365 photo. Apparenty he is a Robber Fly. I think he's pretty ugly and looks like he's on steroids. But I do like his big green eyes.


  1. Love all of your photos. The Strand looks beautiful! I can see why you are worried about the effects of the cyclone on it. I want to be lazying around with a book and a cool drink.

    What a cutie Kaylene is! Love all that hair. Pretty incredible that she's already had 2 hair cuts! My girls were almost bald until they were 2 years old.

  2. Wow, more gorgeous photos. I love the fly photo and agree I don't think he is very attractive either but somehow you were able to compose him in a way that makes the photo very intriguing!
