Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jan 15 - 21 of 365

Jan 15 - Taking time out
Don't you love it when you have time to just watch the waves?
We went for a walk on Pallarenda Beach, Townsville. The cool sea breeze was so nice as the day was quite hot and humid.

Jan 16 - Jack Spratt Weed
I have no idea what this little fellow is really called but he's a weed with a tiny yellow flower. We would pick it, say "Jack Spratt, come tip your hat" then flick the head of the flower off with our thumb.
I was so amazed when I took this photo. There was some side/back lighting from the sun and this is what I got. I love it!

Jan 17 - On top of the world
I took this a couple of days ago. It's a ripe wild passionfruit. These cute little guys were all over them. Once I got close they would turn away.

Jan 18 - Candles
These were a gift so I thought I would take a photo.

Jan 19 - Another Day in the Pond
I had another waterlily in my pond, I just couldn't resist it! I caught it as it was just opening. I wish I was more creative...

Jan 20 - And again
Same pond, same waterlily, different perspective. You can see how sad my pond really is and why it's a celebration when there's a waterlily in it.
I was walking by and caught the reflection of the clouds and really liked it.

Jan 21 - Bursting at the seams
The flower bud of my garlic chives is about to burst open to reveal lots of tiny white flowers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jan 8 - 14 of 365

Jan 8 - The blue part of the Strelitzia flower

Jan 9 - Hibiscus stamen

Jan 10 - Little green frog sitting on the side of my pond. I love how their eyelids look like gold foil.
Jan 11 - I passed this on my way home from the supermarket. I stopped, took 2 or 3 quick photos, quickly jumped back in my car in case someone came out and abused me! I know, I'm so brave, lol.
Jan 12 - A tropical waterlily in my little pond.
Jan 13 - The outer casing of a wild passionfruit growing on our back fence.

All the little droplets are a sticky substance from the plant.
Jan 14 - This was a filler taken at Chelsea's place. It's a Day Lily.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My 365 Project - Jan 1 - 7

Well, I've signed up for the 365 Project at on the 1st January. Here is my first week's photos.

January 1
We were in Townsville and went for a walk along the Strand. I love the Strand, there is always families having parties or BBQs or just having a nice time.

January 2

I bought a new pair of shoes. I tried for an abstract photo of the tassle on the top of the sandal.

January 3
Back home, I thought I'd take a photo of the view from our back deck, the clouds were looking quite amazing.
January 4
This is a plant I grew from a cutting from Mum. I'll have to find it's name. The ants were continually going in and out of it and I managed to capture one.
January 5
Damian and Renee were away for the week and I was feeding their animals. This was in their garden and is a cutting from my succulent. (The grass is always greener...)

January 7
Just snapping for a 365 photo. Apparenty he is a Robber Fly. I think he's pretty ugly and looks like he's on steroids. But I do like his big green eyes.